Relax your gaze on a serene natural sight... and just breathe...

Shades of green in nature bring us healing energies
Shades of green in nature bring us healing energies


     We can live without food for a while, even without water for a shorter while. But we will not live long without the breath. The breath is also one body function over which we can have some control, and by taking control we can affect our emotions, our moods, and our state of well being. While yoga has various breathing exercises, pranayama, if we just slow down our breath, breathe through the nose, taking deep breaths, we can recenter and slow down racing thoughts that are out of control, anger, and so on. Before reacting to anything anyone else says or does, step back and take a few slow, deep breaths. Change your mood and you will change the situation, or at least your view of it. Make it a practice to slow down the breathing at intervals throughout the day. With practice, when situations do arise you will find it becomes an automatic response to breathe... and so relax.

     How does a baby breathe? This is what we need to get back to. This is the Abdominal breathing, and is really the only breathing exercise we really need for daily life. All the other pranayama are bonuses. Master Abdominal breathing first and then practice the other ones that feel useful to you.


     Modern life, filled with bright lights and all kinds of screens, is very hard on the eyes and is limiting to their natural range of motion. Instead of looking in all directions and distances, we spend a lot of time looking straight ahead at objects close up. As a result, in addition to being strained, our eyes hold a lot of tension that is often overlooked. We may get a headache or have stiff shoulders and the source is troubled eyes. Looking at small screens up close not only strains the eyes, but also creates imbalances in muscles there. Yoga eye practices work in two ways to promote eye health. First, they strengthen the muscles in and around the eyes bringing the eye back into balance. Also, they work to relax, rest, and rejuvenate. In some cases, vision can actually improve by dedication to yoga eye practices. At least, the practices bring a sense of relief to overworked and strained eyes. They take little time and can be fit easily into your day. Just take a minute break from the computer, look away, and practice some of these. Do this at regular intervals, say once an hour, and you may notice less tiredness. Try these.

Pond covered in pollen photo courtesy of Bill Kim