The two cooling breath exercises introduced here act an an internal air conditioner, lowering internal temperature and cooling the body. Both work to cool the mind as well as the body, produding a calming effect to the entire nervous system. They relax the entire system to bring about a state of tranquility. They are recommended for a hot summer day or a time of extreme stress. Both are best done in a sitting possition. For both, the length of the inhalation and exhalation are the same. Start with continuing for as many breaths as is comfortable and work up to 10 breaths.


Sitkari pranayama - hissing breath


     Open the mouth and hold the teeth gently together. The tongue may either be kept flat or folded up against the top of the mouth with the tip touching the back of the top front teeth. Inhale through the teeth, making a hissing sound. The air coming in through the teeth will feel cold and will also make the inside top of your mouth feel cold. Inhale slowly and deeply. Once the inhalation is complete, close the mouth tightly, and exhale slowly through the nose.


Sitali pranayama - cooling breath


     This is similar to Sitkari pranayama above, except in this exerise the tongue is rolled, or curled. The ability to roll the tongue is genetically inherited, so if you cannot do this, just practice Sitkari pranayama for all the same benefits. But if you can, give this one a try: Extend the tongue outside of the mouth as far as is comfortable, and curl the sides of the tongue up so that it makes a tube-like shape. Inhale through the mouth. The incoming air will feel cold on the top of your tongue and roof of your mouth. Take a long, slow breath. When inhalation is complete, close your mouth completely, and exhale slowly through the nose.