First of all, be comtent...  Love life... just as it is right now, in this moment...    



Every moment is uniquely perfect
Every moment is uniquely perfect

     What would you like to have in your life? First be happy with the life you have! "If only I had _____, then I'd be happy!" Fill in the blank with whatever you desire - nicer/bigger house, newer car, better job, more money, more agreeable spouse or children, more understanding friends... Whatever it is you desire, this kind of thought will never bring happiness. It gives the external the power to control our happiness. It comes from a consciousness of lack. The universe does not respond to this kind of thinking. Even if the person who says this gets _____, that person will not be happy. They may think they are happy for a while, but its source is external. Happiness will soon wear off and the person will be needing something else to be happy.

     The first thing we all must do is to be happy with whatever we already have! Even if you don't like where you live or what you do, you must accept and be content. That doesn't mean you have to start liking something you don't want to like - just accept that this is what exists right now. Only then will more good things come. And even if those good things are slow to come, at least you are contented. As one Indian Master, Guruji Krishinananda said, 'Draw the lines of contentment'. 

Related, see the delightful article by another Indian Master, Ramana Maharshi, Where does happiness come from?

     There are many little things you can start doing right away to create happiness from the inside out! Start making a life of rythm and balance, and a more positive lifestyle, starting with wherever you are right now.

     Take a break during the day for a few yoga poses, listen to some uplifting music, check out some quotes. Taking moments at intervals throughout the day for oneself will bring in the the sense of quality time, even if just for a few moments. Take a moment to offer any of the senses something joyful and you can change your attitude toward the day and even your life.

Butterfly photo courtesy of Bill Kim