10 minute yoga break - awesome!


A complete yoga routine includes balance, forward bends, backward bends, twists, inversions, and relaxation. You can accomplish this if you have 10 minutes and a yoga mat. Gently move in and out of each pose, and hold each for 20-30 seconds. Savasana at the end should be practiced for 1 minute. There are many sequencing choices, but here is one sequence of basic asanas that fits and also includes warm-up from Joint freeing series:


Neck rotations, Skandha Chakra (shoulder rotation), ankle rotationsTadasana (+toe balancing extension), Uttanansana, Uttihita trikonasana, Parivrtta trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Ustrasana, Upavistha konasana (Wide angle forward bend), Marichasana A, Sasamgasana, Balasana, Savasana.

5 minute yoga break - revitalizing!


Stand up and distance yourself from your work. Do this series in the bathroom, if necessary. Include the same poses from the 2 minute break below. Add one balance and one twist pose. Hold each pose 20-25 seconds. Here are two sample progressions for 5 minutes:


1) Easier:  Tadasana - Uttanasana - Asvattasana  - Trikonasana - Kati Chakrasana (these last 3 done on both sides) - Tadasana - Uttanasana


2) More challenging: Tadasana - Uttanasana - Vrksasana - Uttihita trikonasana - Parivritta trikonasana (these last 3 done on both sides) - Tadasana - Uttanasana

2 minute yoga break - energizing and refreshing!


Again, stand up and distance yourself from whatever work you have been doing. If you are in an office, go into the bathroom if necessary.

Do the following sequence, holding each pose for 20-25 seconds. Tadasana (with variation)- Uttanasana - Trikonansana on both sides, and repeat Tadasana, Uttanasana.

0 minute yoga break - even this helps!


You don't even have 2 minutes to take care of yourself?? You need to rethink your lifestyle....!! But you can still start right now without any time. Here are some ideas:


1) Eyes - If you are on a computer, your eyes need to look away from the screen regularly. Look away for a few seconds every 20 -30 minutes Try Rotation and rolling.


2) Breath - Continue what your doing while you make sure your breathing is correct. Practice Abdominal breathing.


3) Neck - Close your eyes for a moment and do a few Neck rotations.


4) Feet and legs - While you continue working, lift your feet up off the floor and practice ankle rotations.


5) Ditch the desk chair and sit on a balance ball. This will naturally develop correct posture, balance, core strength... and you don't even have to stop working!