Spreading light


     Imagine and think of a huge and vast ocean of white light above your head. That ocean is the creative force of the universe, the cosmic order of things incomprehensible to the human mind. But just accept it. The ocean descends and enters your system through the top of your head, the crown chakra. Light fills your system. Light fills your thoughts, emotions, and finally it fills your physical body. It fills every cell of the physical body.

     Experience the light in your system for a few minutes.

     Next, the light begins to radiate outward from all parts of you. It radiates out and fills the room in which you are sitting. Light fills every corner of the room.

     Experience the light n your system and throughout the room for a few minutes.

     Then continue, imagining light to fill your city, country and finally our entire world.

     When light fills our world, it fills all human beings, all animal life, all plant life, and all inanimate objects. Light fills everything from the bottom of the ocean up to the clouds in the sky.

     Continue experiencing the light in your system and throughout our world for as long as you wish.

Photo courtesy of Light Channels World Movement, for more information see http://www.lightchannels.com/index.php