Joint Freeing Exercises, Pawanmuktasana - A Firm Foundation for Yoga and Health

     Pawanmuktasana, the 'joint freeing'  or 'anti-rheumatic' exercises are an often overlooked foundation of physical wellness. As with basic asanas, some may think them too easy or boring. Many yoga practictioners do not even know of these because they are not commonly taught in many places. If everybody would do these, the world would likely be much more full of healthy people!

     The starting position for all of these exercises is Dandasana (staff pose). However, if sitting on the floor is difficult they may also all be done sitting with the back against a wall or sitting on a chair. Trying one of these alternative seating methods could be helpful for the elderly, stiff, or those with weak abs or back issues. Focus the attention on the joints being exercised.

     For starters, we will be working on Part 1 of the series of three parts. As with all yoga, this series of exercises needs to be done regularly to be effective. Doing part of the series each day would be ideal, rotating the exercises without any gaps (days off) in the practice. Next best would be to do part or all of the series a few times a week.

     As its name suggests, this series works to loosen joints throughout the body from toes to head. On a more subtle level it clears energy blocks in the prana body (pranamayakosha). Suggestions for variations and additions will be added here. These exercises are highly recommended for those wishing to get back into shape and athletes alike. Runners will find that the leg and feet exercises will make a huge difference in recovery rate. All of the Pawanmuktasana 1 series can be done sitting in a chair, and are easily adaptable for the elderly or escpecially stiff people. All of the Joint Freeing series exercises are best done as warm up and cool down. The main information for each practice in the links below comes from Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha, by Swami Satyananda saraswati, with slight adaptations and explanations added.

For knees:

     Knees can be tricky because they are not designed to carry the weight of our bodies as they do. They take a lot of impact just from our walking around and need special attention. Taking care of the knees through yoga can be effective in several ways to remove imbalances in the legs that contribute to knee pain. In some cases, we can look further than the knee to find the cause of knee pain in tight quadracepts and hips. This is especially true in runners or others who do a lot of cardio exercises. The muscles are strong, but need stretching. Yoga exercises work to lengthen the muscles around joints of the knees. In other cases, the muscles are weak and yoga can help strengthen them. Stronger, more flexible muscles will help the knees support your weight.  Also, knee joints become stiff and yoga exercises can increase mobility and free energy blockages. The joint freeing exercises below for knees and hips work in this last way.

For hands:


The hand, including the wrist, has 27 bones and 14 of those are in the fingers. Overused and often overlooked, the joints of the hand would benefit from special attention of pawanmuktasana. Additionally, most everyone has a major imbalance between the hands. The dominate hand will be the one you write with. In yoga, we are continually working to balance both sides. In addition to the hand exercises introduced here, it is suggested that everyone try to you the non-dominate side in daily life as much as possible. Regularly remembering to do this will gradually bring more dexterity and strength to that hand. Try picking up things with the non-dominate hand, put away dishes or books, etc.. Use that hand to maneuver on your computer or iPad. If you use a mouse, put it on the side of the opposite hand. Brush teeth with that hand. Click on the link below for joint freeing exercises for the hand.

For arms, shoulders, neck:


     Shoulders hold a lot of tension that often extends down the arms and up the neck. Including exercises in the warm up to release shoulder tightness thoroughly will bring feelings of relaxation and peace, and will allow for more flexibility during asana practice. The exercises for arms, shoulders, and neck can also be done at intervals throughout the day. Take a 3 minute yoga break any time and release this muscle tension. You'll be surprised at increased energy and alertness.