Remember to keep the back straight, elbows straight, and shoulders loose and relaxed. Focus attention on the joints of wrists and fingers.

Mushtika bandhana (clenching fists)


Sit in any comfortable position with the back straight. Hold the arms out in front of you at shoulder level, parallel to the ground, palms down. Keeping palms down, inhale and slowly open the hands, stretching fingers as wide apart as possible. Putting the thumbs inside, slowtly bend the fingers to make a fist, and gently squeeze. Open the hands again, stretching the fingers. Keep repeating for 3-10 times each of opening and closing.


Manibhanda Naman (wrist bending)


Start in the same sitting position as with clenching fists above with arms out in front at shoulder level, parallel to the ground, palms down. Inhale and bend the hands backward from the wrists, bringing fingertips up to point toward ceiling and pressing heel of had straight out. Exhale and bend hands forward from the wrists. to make fingers point toward the floor. Repeat up and down 3-5 times.


Variation: From the same starting position, keeping palms down, exhale and bend outward from the wrists, bringing fingertips of each hand to point away from one another. Inhale and bend wrists inward, bringing fingertips of each hand to point toward one another. Try to touch the ends of the two index fingers. Repeat out and in 3-5 times.


Manibandha Chakra (wrist rotation)


From the same starting position as the other hand exerciese, make fists with your hands, putting the thumbs inside. Rotate both wrists clockwise, then counter clockwise 3-5 times, synchronizing the movement of the wrists. Repeat the same going counterclockwise.


Variation: From the same starting position and making a fist putting thumbs in side, Simultaneously rotate the wrists in the opposite direction from one another. Rotate the right wrist clockwise and left one counterclockwise 3-5 times. Then reverse directions for the same number of times.