Janu Naman (knee bending)


Bend the right knee and clasp hands under the right thigh. Straighten the right leg pulling up the knee cap. Keeping the hands under the thigh and inhaling, straighten the arms and straighten the legs. The right leg should remain at least 1 1/2 feet off the floor and straight. Point the toes, feeling the stretch in the top of the foot and calf. Exhaling, bend the right leg again and pull the knee in toward the chest without letting the foot touch the floor. Remember to keep back straight. You will feel the abs and back muscles working to maintain balance. Repeat this action 5-10 times. Do the same thing on the opposite side.


Janu Chakra (knee circles)


Bend the right knee and clasp hands under the right thigh. Raise the right foot off the ground. Rotate the lower leg (calf and foot) in a large clockwise circular motion. Try to straighen the leg at the top of the circle. The upper leg and trunk remain completely still. Rotate 5-10 times clockwise and then reverse and do the same counter-clockwise. The best breathing for this and all circular motions is to inhale during the upward motion and exhale during the downward motion.


Ardha Titali Asana (half butterfly)


Bend the right leg and put the right foot on top of the left thigh as far up as it will go. Put the right hand on top of the right knee and hold the toes of the right foot with the left hand. Inhaling, pull the right knee up toward the chest. Exhaling, push the knee down and try to touch the knee to the floor. Do not move the torso. Do not force any part of the movement. The leg muscles are not involved in the work. All motion is exersion by the right arm. Repeat 5-10 times and then do the same on the opposite side. 


Shironi Chakra (hip rotation)


Bend the right leg and put the right foot on top of the left thigh as far up as it will go. Put the right hand on top of the right knee and with the right arm, rotate the right knee in a circular motion, making as big a circle as is comfortably possible. Do not force. Straighten the leg slowly. Do 5-10 times each side. Inhale going up the circle, exhale down the circle.

Poorna Titali Asana (full butterfly)


Bend knees and put soles of the feet together. Keep heels as close to the body as possible. Relax the inner thighs. Clasp the feet with both hands, place the elbows on the inner thighs just above the knees, and slowly move the knees up and down. Try to touch the knees to the ground in the downward position. Work up to 30-50 up and down movements.


The inner thighs are one place we tend to hold a lot of tension without realizing it, and this can cause inbalances in the knees and other areas. Poorna Titali Asana is efffective in releasing this tension. It is said to be good to refresh the legs after walking or standing for a long time.