Asvattasana (Holy Fig Tree)


This pose is a great choice for a beginner's balancing pose. It is less strenuous than Vrksasana, and because the toes of the back foot can be placed on the floor at any moment, a slight loss of balance can be easily restored. Once this pose can be held for at least 30 seconds, other balancing poses may also be attempted. Besides balance, this pose develops focus and concentration, energizes the system, strengthens ankles and legs, improves circulation, and stretches limbs on 3 different planes.


How to: Starting in Tadasana, stretch the right arm upward toward the ceiling so that the right side of the body becomes one straight line. Bring the left arm out to the side, parallel to the ground, palm down. Bring the left leg slightly out behind the body with the toes resting lightly on the floor. Firmly press the right leg into the floor for stability, and feel a sense of balance, Focus on a non-moving point across the room, and inhaling, lift the left foot off the ground, squeezing the buttocks and pointing the left toe. Continue gazing on the point while breathing steadily. Try to count to 5 breaths (or 20-30 seconds) and lower the left foot. At any moment, if you feel you are losing balance, gently put the toes of the left foot back on the floor. Once balance has been regained, lift the foot again and continue. Come back to Tadasana at the end and repeat on opposite side.