Parivrtta parvsakonasana (Reverse extended side angle pose)

This is a good pose to practice after Uttihita parvsakonansa. It has the same benefits, plus it provides a twist for the spine. You should be able to hold the Extended side angle pose for 30 seconds before trying this Reverse variation.


How to: Starting from Tadasana, bring feet about 4 feet apart (or, if possible, up to the same length apart as your outstretched arms) with toes pointing forward. Turn the right foot forward 90 degrees and and the left foot forward 60 degrees. Inhaling, raise both arms out to the sides to shoulder level, parallel with the ground, and with palms facing down. Bend the right knee up to a 90 degree angle with the floor. The knee and the toes should be pointing in the same direction and the knee should not extend beyond the toes. Keeping the legs and hips stable, slowly, bend forward until the torso is almost parallel to the ground. Then, continuing to bend down, twist the torso to the right, cross the left arm down to the rignt until the left arm reaches the floor on the inside of your right foot.* Stretch the right arm up to make a straight line going from the left foot up through the right hand. Rotate the neck so that the eyes are looking up at the upstretched right hand. Hold for 20-30 seconds, and come out of the pose by reversing the movent while inhaling. Then do on the opposite side.



    *If it is difficult to put the right hand on the floor, you may use a block or instead.