Parivrtta trikonasana (Reverse triangle pose)


     This pose should be done after Uttihita trikonasana in a routine, and should only be done once Uttihita trikonasana has been mastered, and only if the practitioner has no back issues. This pose twists the spine. It gives an excellent stretch to hamstrings and calves, and is said to be good for digestion.


How to: Starting from Tadasana, bring feet about 4 feet apart (or, if possible, up to the same length apart as your outstretched arms) with toes pointing forward. Knees are kept straight throught the pose. Turn the right foot forward 90 degrees and and the left foot forward 60 degrees. (See Uttihita trikonasana for alignment tips). Inhaling, raise both arms out to the sides to shoulder level, parallel with the ground, and with palms facing down. Slowly, bend forward until the torso is parallel to the ground. Then, continuing to bend, twisting the torso to the right, cross the left arm down to the rignt until it reaches the floor on the inside of your right foot, the top of the foot, or your calf.  Stretch the left arm straight up toward the ceiling. Turn the head up so that the eyes are looking up at the upstretched right hand. Hold for 20-30 seconds, and come out of the pose by reversing the movent and inhaling. Then do on the opposite side.

Be sure that the back foot stays firmly on the ground throughout. Press the back heel into the floor.