Vrksasana (Tree Pose)


This balancing pose is effective to strengthen and tone ankles and legs, tone arms, improve concentration and focus, and calm the mind. It is recommended to try Asvattasana first and once comfortable with that pose, practice Vrksasana. Many people who have trouble balancing at first will quickly improve with a daily practice of Vrksasana.


Tips for practice:

1) If you cannot get the balance, try doing the pose standing against a wall at first. Or, stand next to a chair or wall where you can touch it to steady the balance.

2) To improve balance, try using a clock with a second hand. If, for example, on Day One you can hold the pose for 10 seconds, try to increase by a few seconds daily. Most people find soon they are balancing from 30 seconds to several minutes.


How to: In Tadasana, focus your gaze on a point across the room. Lift the right leg, bending it, and use your hand to put the right foot EITHER on the inside of the left thigh as high up as possible (bottom of foot is on thigh) OR on top of the left thigh with the bottom of the foot facing out. Bring the hands to prayer position in front of the heart. Continue breathing evenly. You can stay here, or if this position is easy, next move into the full pose by raising the hands, keeping palms together, straight up above the head and stretching upward. Remember to keep the right foot pressed firmly in its position. Hold for 20 seconds or as long as you like. You will find your breathing more shallow when arms are raised above the head as the center of gravity is also raised.


Variation: From the full position, separate the hands and, keeping them pointing up, move them into a 'V' position. Stretch upward, feeling a stronger stretch through the shoulders and arms.